About Conference

    Dear Colleagues,

    The Apex global meetings takes the pleasure of inviting you to the Global summit on Food Science and Technology (FOODTECH 2024).  The theme of the conference highlights: Development of New Food Processes, Products, and Technology. Scientific Tracks designed for this conference will enable the attendees and participants to learn extremes. Which will be held as a conference during August 23, 2024.

    FOODTECH 2024
     is an annual meeting organized with the intention of being a platform for Food Science and Technology experts, Researchers, and academicians as well as industrial experts from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in food science and technology.

    FOODTECH2024 meeting brings together world-class participants and young researchers looking for opportunities for exchanges that cross the traditional discipline boundaries and allows them to resolve multidisciplinary, challenging problems. Through this event, you will be able to share the state-of-the-art developments and cutting-edge technologies in the broad areas of food science and technology.

    We would like to strongly encourage you to submit your abstracts and register to attend FOODTECH2024 in order to share your achievements in the fields of food science and technology.

    We look forward to your valuable presence at FOODTECH2024 .

    Lakshmi Prasanna P | Event Manager
    Apex Global Meetings




    3D Food Printing

    Agronomy and Agricultural Research

    Alternative proteins

    Applied Food Biotechnology

    Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity

    Beverage Technology

    Bio Active Constituents Of Food

    Biotechnology in Food Processing

    Chemistry and Bio Chemistry of Foods

    Clinical Nutrition and Therapeutics Dietetics

    Confectionary Technology

    COVID-19 and Food Security Challenges

    Crop Processing Technology

    Current Trends In Food Technology

    Dairy Products

    Dairy Science & Technology

    Diet Therapy

    Drug - Nutrient Interaction

    Enzyme Technology

    Fermented Milk Products

    Film packaging

    Filtration separation operations

    Food - Quality Control and Quality Assurance

    Food & Public Health Nutrition

    Food Additives and Labelling

    Food allergy and Intolerance

    Food Analysis and Approaches

    Food and Agricultural Engineering

    Food and Environmental Sciences

    Food and Nutritional Science

    Food and Resource Economics

    Food and Soft Materials

    Food and Vegetable Processing Dairy

    Food Bioscience, Biotechnology& Biophysics

    Food Biotechnology

    Food Characterization

    Food Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Food Engineering

    Food Flavours

    Food Hygiene and Sanitation

    Food and Nutrition supplements request has seen a phenomenal shaft in manufacture and deals. This has empowered colourful new diligence to dive into the business sector with goods that guarantee to be the remedy for youth, good, and rudiments. As directed by the Nutritional journals, the nutritive supplement request worldwide is estimated to be $104 billion.

    Sports nutrition consumers in Italy are getting decreasingly educated about the different types of products available and their points. While, originally, consumer’s main enterprises were to make up muscle and hence they decided for sports protein, they're now getting decreasingly apprehensive of the efficacy of products deposited for energy increase, abidance, recovery and strength. In Italy food service request is likely to witness a CAGR of 1.24 during the cast period (2019- 2024).

    The Global agrarian assiduity request is estimated to be about $8.7 trillion according to the Punnet Research estimate. Global Food Export alone is estimated at around $1.47 trillion in 2017 according to the World Trade Organization. The cost of food varies in every region which makes it a bit delicate to learn about. It varies due to colourful factors which include position, Food manufacturing diligence, food transportation, food storehouse and climate.

    As per the demand, Fast food assiduity is also growing at an intimidating rate. The fast food assiduity includes processing, development, branding and advertising. As shown in the figure, the fast food assiduity is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.5 from 2016 to 2024. It substantially is due to the changes in eating habits of utmost of the people.

    Encyclopaedically, Fast food generates around $550 billion bones, and it's assumed that around 2 million people work in the fast food assiduity. Due to poor diet habits and poor diet choices, utmost people suffer from nutritive scarcities and diseases.  

    While Canada, Singapore and other European countries spend fairly less portion of their income on food tropical countries like India, Pakistan and Africa spend fairly more portion of their income on Food.




    Important Dates

    Abstract Submission Deadline

    August 15, 2024

    Earlybird Registration Deadline

    June 28, 2024

    Standard Registration Deadline

    July 30, 2024

    Onspot Registration

    August 23, 2024

    Scientific Committee

    Volen Atim

    Dr. Luisa Maria Arvide Cambra

    University Of Almeria
    Volen Atim

    Dr. Daniele De Wrachien

    State University Of Milan
    Volen Atim

    Dr. Youssef A Attia

    King Abdulaziz University
    Saudi Arabia
    Volen Atim

    Dr. Asim Duttaroy

    University of Oslo

    Plenary Speakers

    Dr. Malik Hussain

    Western Sydney University

    Dr. Mohammed Farid

    University of Auckland
    New Zealand

    Dr. Bing Huei Chen

    Fu Jen Catholic University

    Dr. H M Hafeez

    Freie University

    Dr. David Wortley

    Vice President of International Society of Digital Medicine
    United Kingdom

    Dr. Mohamed Bouaziz

    Sfax University

    Dr. Souhail Besbes

    University Of Sfax

    Dr. Mahendra Singh

    Govind Ballabh Pant University

    Dr. Vasudeva Singh

    Gauhati University

    Keynote Speakers

    Dr. Mohammed Kuddus

    University of Hail
    Saudi Arabia

    Dr. Lee Lai Kuan

    Universiti Sains Malaysia

    Dr. Abdybek Asanaliev

    Kyrgyz National Agrarian University

    Dr. Abdul Hafaz Ngah

    University Malaysia Terengganu

    Dr. Sarker Mohammad Rezaul Karim

    University of Putra Malaysia

    Dr. Lucicleia Vasconcelos

    Federal University of Ceara

    Dr. Ihab Tewfik

    University of Westminster

    Dr. Bruce Baojun XU

    United International College

    Dr. Mary Anbarasi Johnson

    College of Nursing, CMC Vellore

    Invited Speakers

    Nurliyana Binti Abdul Razak

    UCSI University Kuala Lumpur

    Dr. Salina Parveen

    University of Maryland Eastern Shore

    Prof.Po-Wen Chen

    National Chung Hsing University

    Prof. Clara Raquel Espinoza Silva

    National University of Central,

    Prof.Zhen-Shu Liu

    Ming Chi University of Technology

    Prof. Greta Hinostroza -Quinonez

    Universidad Nacional del Centro del,

    Dr. Nazimah Hamid

    Auckland University of Technology
    New Zealand

    Raffaele Pilla

    St. John of God Hospital

    Dr. Irene Dini

    University of Napoli

    Dr. Attapon Cheepsattayakorn

    Chiang Mai University

    Media Partners


    Registration Includes

    • Access to all conference sessions, poster and exhibition area
    • Conference kit including name tag, program booklet and Abstracts book
    • 2 Coffee breaks and lunch for all the event days of the conference
    • Certificate of participation from Conference chair/ Session chair
    • Access to the all scientific sessions
    • Access to Business Development Sessions and Global Networking Session

    Benefits of Joining Conference

    • Encouraged to publish full length articles in Supporting Journals with discounted APC charges
    • Best Oral, Poster and Young Research Forum (YRF) presentation awards
    • Get Opportunity to Collaborate with future Apex Global Meetings
    • Avail Group Booking Discounts
    • All the articles presented in this conference will be considered for publications as per their quality in SCI / SCIE / SCOPUS / Peer Reviewed journals of Springer and / or other publishers

    Group Booking Discounts

    Groups of three or more will receive a Special discount by using the group code. If you have any queries, please contact us at or call
